Tuesday, April 28, 2009
School Uniforms

It is often suggested that the school students must wear the school uniform,but some of the schools have a different opinion the decision of allowing the senior students to wear the uniform.
As far i'm concerned the school uniforms demonstrate and represents the image of your school.The expression or demonstration is very important for the school image such as if you are a student in a public place wearing an untidy uniform,the public might say that the student from this school is not organized and tidy and sometimes they will think that the school doesn't care about the students appearance.
I strongly fell that,wearing the school uniform makes you feel younger and ridiculous on it ,and i also believe that some people might fell the same way,once i went to the cinema and i was wearing the school uniform and the seller simply refuse in letting me buy the thicket because she thought i was under 16 and by the time i had forgotten my ID at home .I am sure that a lot of students have been in the same situation.
On the other hand,there are some advantages and disadvantages in wearing the school uniform .Sometimes you have to obey the school dress code that doesn't allowed you wear whatever you wish,and you don't have to think wake up and think about what am i going to wear today to go the school and not spending too much money in clothes.
In my opinion school uniforms are important and all the schools should remains the use of it .
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Media Violence has a Negative Effect

It is often notable that media violence causes many issues and have heavy among our society.I strongly believe that changes on people's attitudes ,and behavior as well as give the public the wrong encouragement .Government the other hand, create rating systems to solve their problem.
One of major disadvantage of media showing violence ,is that our society are the ones who suffers . I say this because of the attitudes and behavior we find daily in the public , such as robberies,murders and even committing suicide.Some people ,especially children and adolescents ,are probably affected their mentality in a wrong way .Now days ,they have negative imaginations and ideas,we can see this every where ,for example in school we have bullying in parks we can see kids fighting ,on you tube we are able to watch teenagers kicking each other just for fun.
All those facts force the government to take severe decisions regarding the media and our society .The government have created a system called rating .This system consists on organizing movies,TV shows and games in a way that everyone from the younger s to adults ,will
know which one is suitable according to their age . I believe this system is very helpful ,especially for TV channels .They so called silly box has now to play cartoons , series, in appropriate time for the children.This way parents cannot blame the government anymore saying that their children are learning bad ideas from the media ,now it is their responsibility.
Taking everything into account, the society should be able to learn positive attitudes from the media, not just the negative ;If you do so ,you must be able to live with the consequences that you will face in the future.
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Since i moved to Singapore ,i have had the opportunity to try several types of Asian
cuisine.In this essay ,I'm going to compare and contrast the differences between Chinese and
Portuguese food.The tree main differences are the aroma,ingredients and flavor.
Firstly,i will describe the differences between the aroma. For the Western people Chinese food aroma might be a bit punget at first and is hard for the people describe it.By
contrast the Portuguese food you have the urge or encourage to eat it. In fact that Portuguese
food has more international influence.
Secondly ,i will describe the difference between the ingredients.Mostly of the Chinese food contains spice and soya oil. Although those are the main ingredients for the Chinese cuisine.Unlike the Portuguese food ,mostly ingredients used are olive oil, pepper and laurel ,whereas depends on type of food that you are going to cook.
Thirdly,i will describe the flavor between one to another .I can tell that , the Chinese food flavor includes and involves varieties of seasoning that makes it tastes different for me and other people.Nevertheless sometimes is not easy to distinguish the flavor. On the contrary the Portuguese food is unnecessary many kinds of seasoning because they are typical and unique.
To conclude this essay ,i would say that trying diverse varieties of food helps you to improve you knowledge about other countries and continents cuisine .The Chinese and Portuguese food are very dissimilar although both are food .
Sunday, February 1, 2009
"Chinese New Year" 农历新年 農曆新年

Chinese New Year is the most important celebration for the Chinese people .The Chinese New Year is also known as Lunar Year and each year is chosen an animal to represent Buddha .This year the animal is the OX.
The Chinese New Year isn't only celebrated in China or Taiwan.Some of the Asian countries such as Hong Kong ,Macau, South Korea,Japan and Singapore also celebrate it.
The Chinese New Year is celebrated between January and February.A lot of Chinese people take a break from work to prepare the celebration.They usually prepare meals and go to the families or friend's house to party together.
During the Chinese New Year,the red and yellow are the main colors for decoration.As we can see from ours Chinese neighbors, they have tangerine or a red and yellow objects outside the house.They also give basket of tangerine for the neighbors and friends.Usually the kids and teenagers receive a red envelope with money inside.They called it lucky money.At Chinese New Year also happens the famous Lion dance.It is pretty nice.
The Chinese New Year is awesome.It's well organized ,and everybody has a chance to see how do Chinese people party looks like and see the attractions specially the Lion dance.I like the Chinese New Year because i have school break !!!!!!!!!*_*
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
MC Donald's is the best

The MC Donald's and Burger Kings have some differences and similarities.The differences are :
at MC Donald's the hamburgers contain more fats then Burger Kings burgers ,they sell drinks that every body likes such as coke,sprite,milkshake,etc...;
The kids menu comes in box with a toy inside. The similarities between MC Donald's and Burger Kings are: the slogan colors
are alike,they both sell French fries ,etc...
The meals at MC Donald's are very delicious. I can prove it ,because MC Donald's is always full.
The MC Donald's restaurants are well located and organized.The service at MC Donald's is very nice, they don't work slowly. The workers make the meals as quick as possible .The decoration at MC Donald's makes you fell like you're not in a
fast food restaurant.MC Donald's also became a place for celebrations specially for birthday
parties. Usually the kids and teenagers celebrate their birthday's at MC Donald's.
In my view,90 per cent of people prefer MC Donald's to eat their meals,because it is delicious and then prices don't cost that much . If you see the people's face when they are leaving the MC Donald's
they always have a happy smile on their faces.![]()
The MC Donald's and Burger Kings have some differences and similarities.The differences are :
at MC Donald's the hamburgers contain more fats then Burger Kings burgers ,they sell drinks that
every body likes such as coke,sprite,milkshake,etc...;The kids menu comes in
box with a toy inside. The similarities between MC Donald's and Burger Kings are: the slogan colors
are alike,they both sell French fries ,etc...
The meals at MC Donald's are very delicious. I can prove it ,because MC Donald's is always full.
The MC Donald's restaurants are well located and organized.The service at MC Donald's is very nice
, they don't work slowly. The workers make the meals as quick as possible .The decoration at MC Donald's makes you fell like you're not in a
fast food restaurant.MC Donald's also became a place for celebrations specially for birthday
parties. Usually the kids and teenagers celebrate their birthday's at MC Donald's.
In my view,90 per cent of people prefer MC Donald's to eat their meals,because it is delicious and then prices don't cost that much . If you see the people's face when they are leaving the MC Donald's
they always have a happy smile on their faces.
Sunday, January 11, 2009

I've found this beautiful poem on the internet and I'd like to share it with you.
I need to know if you�re my true friend,
will you be by my side until the end?
Can I tell you my secrets deep,
and trust them in your heart you�ll keep?
We are neither of us without our flaws,
can you accept mine as I will yours?
I�ll be a shoulder to cry on when you�re blue,
will you be there for me when I need you?
No matter how busy I will make time for you,
if you are busy will you make time for me too?
I will take your hand and comfort your tears,
will you hold me and soothe my fears?
I will give you joy and many warm smiles,
can we share that even across many miles?
I will not forget what�s important to you,
will you remember what�s important to me too?
With you my most favourite things I�ll share,
If only I know do you truly care?
If you can accept me as I do you,
then I will know you are a friend most true.